Catzilla 1.0 BETA21
- Details
- Created: 2013-02-23,
fixed an error that occurred in case of outdated Windows drivers. Now the test is being blocked and user is redirected to drivers update page
fixed signing up for a newsletter in "About" tab
fixed an error with unproper handling of Intel HD Graphics chipset
after the test, results are sent to the site where you can view them without registering
commandLine options for the professional version
testtype=(kitty,cat,tiger,catzilla,custom) [tiger]
windowstate=(normal,minimized) [normal]
result (show,file,send,log) [show] //show-only shows; file-like Save Results; send-like submit results; log-saves to log
resultfile=path+filename [tempdir/ALLBenchmarkResult.abr];//for result=file
close= (on,off) [off] //closes program after test
log=path+filename []//where to save script log (not to be confused with test log) path+name - not being created in case it is not available
logmode=(logresults,logfull) [logfull]
logtype=(logxml,logcsv) [logcsv]
api=(opengl,directx) [directx]
audio=(on,off) [on]
vsync=(on,off) [off]
multithread=(on,off) [on]
test=11111 [11111]// 10000 only maintest; 01000 only test1
//when using custom type parameter:
msaa=(0 to 3)
shadowmap=(0 to 2)
ssao=(0 to 2)
postprocessing=(0 to 2)You can run all the tests from command line, using any profile and parameters.
Test result can be sent to the account, saved to a file, saved to a log in csv or xml format. example:
Catzilla testtype=tiger result=log logtype=logcsv logmode=logfull close=on
- software recommendation fixed. Now correct parameters from the user's computer are shown, and he is redirected to the correct page (for example - latest nvidia drivers download page)
- no more problems with incorect free code